Welcome to the home page of C++ For C Programmers, course 560 of the CIT Training Program here at the National Institutes of Health. The class typically consists of 4 lectures, 3 hours each; most recently, it was taught it on April 28 through May 1, 1998. The instructor is Jeremy Elson. The April 1998 session was the fourth time I've taught this class at NIH; previous sessions were held in March, August, and November of 1997.
I try to make all class notes available on this web page as they are written. If you're taking the class, I'd encourage you to not copy down everything written on my slides during the lecture, because that does nothing but distract you from trying to understand the material while it's being presented. Instead, you can just download the notes from this page, which leaves your brain free to understand the material during the lecture.
Day 1 Lecture Notes (April 28, 1998)Day 2 Lecture Notes (April 29, 1998)
Day 3 Lecture Notes (April 30, 1998)
Day 4 Lecture Notes (May 1, 1998)
The file driver.cc is part of the assignment.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at jeremy.elson@nih.gov
Last Updated: 16 May 1998