Scholastic Matchmakers
Why are we right for you?

Why Have Hundreds of Student Organizations in 35 states chosen Scholastic Matchmakers?

Maybe it's because Scholastic Matchmakers does almost all the work. Or maybe it's because:
There's no risk and no investment.
You pay nothing up front, and you are only responsible for paying for the lists that you sell.

We're flexible.
We let you customize your survey, we let you choose the layout and content of your compatibility lists, and we let individuals students pick the two lists they want to receive. We print your organization's message on every list. Call us to do multiple school events or other special requests.

We guarantee a profit.
We promise that you will come out ahead on our fund raiser. We will not take your money if it means you take a loss.

We're fast.
Faster turnaround means more sales for you, because students are still excited about the fund raiser. We guarantee that you will have your Compatibility Lists in your hands in 10 business days or less after the day you ship your surveys to us. If we don't, we'll give you a 10% discount off your final bill to make up for the sales you lost due to late delivery. If you choose Rush service, we guarantee that you will have your Compatibility Lists in your hands by the end of the day, 5 business days after you ship us your surveys. If your lists arrive later than 10:30am of the sixth business day after shipping, we will cancel all rush service charges. No other company is this fast. No other company guarantees their turnaround time, and no other company stands behind any guarantee. (Note: Specific guarantees may not apply in areas where Federal Express does not offer regular "AM" service. Call Federal Express to check on your zip code.)

We pay for Federal Express shipping.
Federal Express is the world's leader in overnight shipping. Only Scholastic Matchmakers pays for Federal Express service to and from your school. Other companies make you pay for shipping, and they use slower, inferior services.

Our price is right.
Our regular price of $.55 per list sold is lower than companies that can't offer half our services. Run your fund raiser or send in the enclosed pre-registration card before January 1, and get an even lower price: only $.50 per list sold!

Our product looks good.
Compatibility Lists are laser printed on attractive color stationery (see sample); students notice them and want to buy them. We are the only company that offers the descriptive paragraph on every list that describes the student's number one match. The paragraph is your guarantee that we really matched the students.

We have a compact disc giveaway.
We give a free tape or compact disc to at least one student at every participating school -- this adds excitement and fun, and boosts your sales!

Toll-free support 24-7.
Call us at 1-800-51-MATCH anytime, and a real person will answer the phone to help you.

We're easy.
Everything you need is in one 9x12 envelope. Enough said.

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Scholastic Matchmakers can be contacted at (800) 51-MATCH or
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Last updated: 25 Sept 1995