From: IN%"" 16-FEB-1994 00:34:46.70 To: IN%"26MOUNTCASTL@CUA.EDU" CC: Subj: mail failed, returning to sender |------------------------- Failed addresses follow: ---------------------| <> ... transport smtp: connect: Connection refused |------------------------- Message text follows: ------------------------| Received: by (/\==/\ Smail3.1.28.1 #28.41) id <>; Tue, 15 Feb 94 23:30 CST Received: from by (NX5.67d/NX3.0M) id AA02782; Mon, 14 Feb 94 10:25:42 -0500 Received: from CU4700.CUA.EDU by CU4700.CUA.EDU (PMDF V4.2-11 #2561) id <01H8TD67C8HS8Y5I3X@CU4700.CUA.EDU>; Sat, 12 Feb 1994 23:13:24 EST Date: Sat, 12 Feb 1994 23:13:24 -0500 (EST) From: 26MOUNTCASTL@CUA.EDU Subject: Compatibility..... To: Message-Id: <01H8TD67CI4Y8Y5I3X@CU4700.CUA.EDU> X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Hi All :), I was wondering if CircleMUD can be compiled with DJ delorie's gcc compiler? It is a 32-bit ANSI C compiler...... But I'm looking to compile CircleMUD for a single-user on a 386dx running Ms-Dos - Any chance it'll work? Or will I have to try and revamp the code? If I do have to mess-around with the code, I would appreciate any help or advice that anyone could provide :) Thanks in Advance :) - Sean Return-path: <> Received: from by WSCOMM.CUA.EDU (PMDF V4.2-11 #6262) id <01H8XMW9P05S90MZ10@WSCOMM.CUA.EDU>; Wed, 16 Feb 1994 00:31:31 EST Received: by (/\==/\ Smail3.1.28.1 #28.41) id <>; Tue, 15 Feb 94 23:30 CST Date: Tue, 15 Feb 1994 23:30 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: mail failed, returning to sender To: 26MOUNTCASTL@CUA.EDU Message-id: <> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Reference: <>
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