I spent some time as an assisstant imp (and other immortal levels) on a Silly-derived mud, and must agree that river, underwater, and air sector flags are pretty handy. The one I was on also added a room flag FALL_ROOM that you could set in any room with an open exit down, and anybody without 'fly' in effect goes down through as many fall rooms as there are between them and ground, and then hit the ground with a vengeance. One thing that I always wished for, though, but could never figure out a good way to code, was to get rid of fall rooms and rivers, and create some generic effect of that type with customizable message, movement rate, damage application, and the ability to specify for each room what flags on a pc/mob keep the motion from affecting them. Perhaps this would be best implemented as a frequently-used spec_proc.... or maybe it can be made a part of room structure. I honestly don't know.... hopefully some of you with more experience than I have a suggestion? -- -Mathue Moyer -mathue@ucsd.edu
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