Ok, I finally sat down and put together a CircleMUD FAQ. Its rather brief so far, so if you have and additions/corrections/suggestions, please drop me some mail and I'll add 'em to the FAQ. Archive-name: circle-faq Last updated: 3 April 1994 Frequently Asked Questions for Circle DIKU Mud ============================================================================ This is the first version of the Circle FAQ for the Circle Mud Mailing list at circle@fpa.com. Its rather new, so any contributions and corrections are more than welcome. This file is intended to cover common questions related to the CircleMUD distributon source by Jeremy Elson <jelson@cs.jhu.edu>, and not general DIKUmud questions. This FAQ is maintained by Ryan Watkins aka VampLestat <vamp@csulb.edu>. Please direct corrections to this address. ============================================================================ Contents ============================================================================ Section: 1 Introduction Subject: 1.1 What is Circle Mud? Subject: 1.2 What is History of Circle Mud? Subject: 1.3 Where is the original Circle Mud so I can check it out? Section: 2 Resources Subject: 2.1 Where do I find the source code for CircleMUD? Subject: 2.2 Where do I find areas, etc for CircleMUD? Subject: 2.3 How do I subscribe/unsubscribe to the Mailing list? Subject: 2.4 What platforms has CircleMUD been ported to? Section: 3 Code Changes Subject: 3.1 How do I fix the bug where people can junk more coins than available.? Subject: 3.2 How do I fix the 'vstat' bug? ============================================================================ Section 1: Introduction ============================================================================ Subject: 1.1 What is CircleMUD? CircleMUD is a DIKUmud derivitave, developed by Jeremy Elson <jelson@cs.jhu.edu>, and is from the Gamma v0.0 of DIKU mud created by Hans Henrik, Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer at DIKU (Computer Science Instutute at Copenhagen University) Also, note that CircleMUD is a DIKU derivative and its users must follow the DIKU license agreement - most notable that it cannot be used to make money in any way, the original developers names have to be in the login screen that the 'credits' command always present the same information, etc.. >From the release.doc : "CircleMUD is highly developed from the programming side, but highly UNdeveloped on the game-playing side. So, if you're looking for a huge MUD with billions of spells, skills, classes, races, and areas, Circle will probably disappoint you severely. Circle still has only the 4 original Diku classes, the original spells, the original skills, and about a dozen areas. On the other hand, if you're looking for a highly stable, well-developed, well-organized "blank slate" MUD on which you can put your OWN ideas for spells, skills, classes, and areas, then Circle might be just what you're looking for. The latest version of Circle is 2.20, released on November 17, 1993. Version 2.20 supercedes version 2.11, which was released on September 19, 1993." Subject: 1.2 What is History of Circle Mud? Version 2.20: November 17, 1993 Version 2.11: September 19, 1993 Version 2.10: September 1, 1993 Version 2.02: Early August Version 2.01: July 20, 1993 Version 2.00: July 16, 1993 Version 3.00 is due out "Real Soon Now". Dont bother posting requests for it. It will be out when Jeremy gets it done, and it will be annonced on the mailing list and the newsgroup rec.games.mud.diku. Subject: 1.3 Where is the original Circle Mud so I can check it out? CircleMUD is a public code base, freely distributable, but the author of Circle don't actually run one personally. There used to be CircleMUD, and while Jeremy Elson continues to develop it, there is no original CircleMUD on the net. If you want to play Circle, download the source and start your own. :) ============================================================================ Section 2: Resources ============================================================================ Subject: 2.1 Where do I find the source code for CircleMUD? Circle's complete source code and areas are available now for anonymous FTP at ftp.cs.jhu.edu ( in the directory pub/CircleMUD. Subject: 2.2 Where do I find areas, etc for CircleMUD? A number of Circle-mud based Implementors have submitted areas to the public and they are archived at the same site as the CircleMUD source, ftp.cs.jhu.edu ( but in the directory /pub/CircleMUD/submissions. Subject: 2.3 How do I subscribe/unsubscribe to the Mailing list? To subscribe to the mailing list send a message to circle-request@fpa.com with the word 'subscribe' as the subject line, and a brief message asking to be added to the list. To unsubscribe from the list send a message to circle-request@fpa.com with the word 'unsubscribe' as th subject line. DO NOT send subscription/unsubscription requests to the list in general. There are currently almost a hundered people on the list, and it will only irritate a ton of people who have no power to remove you from the list. Subject: 2.4 What platforms has CircleMUD been ported to? Jeremy Elson has personally compiled CircleMUD under: Ultrix 4.0, IRIX 4.0.1, 4.0.4, 4.0.5, SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.3, AIX 3.2, Linux 0.99.11, ConvexOS V10.2. It is also known to compile with minor modifications under: NeXTStep 2.1 and 3.0 If you have a BSD-compatible system, chances of getting Circle to compile easily are pretty good. Non-BSD systems will probably have trouble with certain functions; getting Circle to compile for the first time on such systems may be difficult and time-consuming. SVR4 compatibility is on the horizon; many functions have already been converted to be SVR4 compatible, but the code has not yet been fully ported. CircleMUD was ported to the Amiga by Jean-Jack Riethoven <J.J.M.Riethoven@ab.agro.nl> and is available at ftp.cs.jhu.edu in /pub/CircleMUD/amiga/. Questions about the Amiga source should be directed to Jean-Jack Riethoven <J.J.M.Riethoven@ab.agro.nl>, not Jeremy Elson. ============================================================================ Section: 3 Code Changes ============================================================================ Subject: 3.1 How do I fix the bug where people can junk more coins than available.? Apprently in Circle 2.2, you can drop any amount of coins, and then be rewarded with more coins than you had in the first place. Here is the fix from jelson@cs.jhu.edu Around line 480 of act.obj1.c, you will find the code: if (!str_cmp("coins", arg) || !str_cmp("coin", arg)) perform_drop_gold(ch, amount, mode, RDR); else { /* code to drop multiple items. anyone want to write it? -je */ send_to_char("Sorry, you can't do that (yet)...\n\r", ch); --> return; } } else { .... It should be changed to: if (!str_cmp("coins", arg) || !str_cmp("coin", arg)) perform_drop_gold(ch, amount, mode, RDR); else { /* code to drop multiple items. anyone want to write it? -je */ send_to_char("Sorry, you can't do that (yet)...\n\r", ch); } --> return; } else { .... Subject: 3.2 How do I fix the 'vstat' bug? To the fix for the vstat bug, from jelson@cs.jhu.edu: In the file act.wizard.c, in the function do_vstat, in the mobile section of the switch (around line 1150), you'll find the code: mob = read_mobile(r_num, REAL); do_stat_character(ch, mob); extract_char(mob); Add the line char_to_room(mob, 0) before extract_char(), like this: mob = read_mobile(r_num, REAL); do_stat_character(ch, mob); char_to_room(mob, 0); extract_char(mob); ============================================================================ _O_ Ryan L. Watkins e-mail: vamp@csulb.edu | Academic Computing Services url : http://www.acs.csulb.edu/~vamp/ | CSU Long Beach - Network Support pgpkey: finger vamp@gothic.acs.csulb.edu
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