ack....your killing us here with anticipation jeremy :) on a side note...i have a couple of questions. 1. for those of us who have done a fair ammount of code in 2.2 mostly with role plaing, online campaigns, hard is it going to be to fool around with the src. i guess what im asking is what files are sort of left alone, and what files will i have to cut and paste (just source, im doing 100% original areas, mobs, i dont need to know about the libraries). 2. On a side note, and could you reply to me jeremy, i see you have ported circle to ultrix 4.0 I found a site (yay), but its running ULTRIX 4.2, with no (gasp) gcc. I tried to edit the makefile to do cc instead, but i got errors. Could you tell me how to get it to work with cc? or tell me where to get gcc and how to install it? I know you are very busy, but this would be appreciated. thanks, MAtt @Hofstra. --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If i knew it was going to be this damn cold, I'd have worn a sweater." -J. Frost ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: ACCMCM@VAXC.HOFSTRA.EDU
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