Just some questions :-)

From: Stefan Rensing (rensing@sun1.biologie.uni-freiburg.de)
Date: 09/28/94

Hi there !

I just like to figure out if that weird vstat thing is a bug or whatever.
When you use vstat on an existing object in Circle 2.2 the mud crashes.
Any comments ?

And a request:
Can anyone be so kind and send me a quest so I can figure out how to
make them myself ?

Thanks in advance, 


(looking forward to the 3.00 beta release)

Stefan Rensing                     | e-mail : ->
Institut f. Biologie II / Zellbiol.|    rensing@sun1.biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Schaenzlestr. 1                    | Phone  : +49 761 203 2676 / Fax : 2675
D-79104 Freiburg (Germany)         | "Warp 5, Mister Sulu !"
      <WWW: http://www.biologie.uni-freiburg.de/data/people/lije.html>

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