Re: strange problem with Circle 2.2

From: Ryan Watkins (
Date: 02/12/95

On Sun, 12 Feb 1995, Carter T. Shock wrote:

> > when a player looks at another player they recieve the words
> > 
> > "you are dead" 
> > 
> > and then they get a print out of the main menu, but they do not die.
> > Then the normal look at another player message is displayed.
> Sooo.... when the char gets the you are dead line, does anyone
> receive exprience? Is there a syslog entry saying that the person died?
> If none of this happens, try:

This may be obvious, but what is the person's description set to?  
Setting it to the "dead message and the menu" is a really old trick.

Ryan L. Watkins                             e-mail:
System Administrator / HTML Hack            url   :
On Ramp, Inc.                               url   :  

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