Quickie scan function for circle 2.2 code: (implemented as a skill) It includes the possibility of giving wrong answers. ACMD(do_scan) { int door; int found = 0, listflag = 0; int scan_room, misinform = 0; byte percent,prob; struct char_data *vict; char mesg[80]; if(GET_SKILL(ch,SKILL_SCAN) == 0) { send_to_char("You have not learned this skill\n\r",ch); return; } act("$n scans the area.",1,ch,0,0,TO_ROOM); percent = MAX(1,number(1, 101) - GET_LEVEL(ch)); prob = GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_SCAN); if(percent > prob) misinform = 1; for (door = 0; door < NUM_OF_DIRS; door++) { listflag = 0; if (CAN_GO(ch, door)) { scan_room = world[ch->in_room].dir_option[door]->to_room; if(world[scan_room].people && (!misinform || (number(0,50) < 20))) { for(vict = world[scan_room].people; vict; vict = vict->next_in_room) { if(CAN_SEE(ch,vict)) { found = 1; if(!listflag) { send_to_char(dirs[door],ch); send_to_char("\n\r",ch); listflag = 1; } act("\t$N",1,ch,0,vict,TO_CHAR); } } } } } if(!found) send_to_char("You sense that the adjacent rooms are empty\n\r",ch); }
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