Re: FTP site

From: Ryan Watkins (
Date: 03/02/95

On Wed, 1 Mar 1995, Jeremy Elson wrote:

> > > > Why is the ftp level set to 5 why evean bother.
> > > 
> > > What does THAT mean?
> > > 
> >  	He means whys id the anonymous ftp set to only five users, makes 
> > things pretty busy.
> I don't control that FTP site except for what's in my own directory.  The
> computer science department has graciously allowed me to place files on their
> FTP server but I have no control over it.  So you're complaining to the wrong
> person.

Well, he's paying lots of money for this beta circle code, so he's 
certainly owed the ability to use jhu's anon ftp at any time, on demand.  
They had better up the number of connections, dammit!

Get a clue people, jhu and jeremy have given plenty of resources to you 
*free of charge*, so you have no right to bitch about the quality or 
level of service.

Ryan's rant for the day... ok.. back to work.

Ryan L. Watkins                             e-mail:
System Administrator / HTML Hack            url   :
On Ramp, Inc.                               url   :  

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