> I'm going to try being brief about my problems. > We modified the source so that it can handle up to 93 levels, > of wich 93 is our implementor status. > But suddenly we get some error in handler.c saying something like > Syserror: unknown apply adjust attempt (handler.c, affect_modify). > Does anyone know why? And how to fix this? > Also, What the hell does THAC0 exactly mean? I know it stands for > To Hit Armor Class 0 : But what does your thaco do? Please explain > to me in more detail... > > Circle Mud Operator of Lost Heros. > circle@tcm.ee.techpta.ac.za thaco is inate bonus to hitroll, read some of the code in fight.c to see it in action. when you have a 93level system, thats [NUM_CLASSES][NUM_LEVELS] so it's a real pain. we just eliminated it, butt then again we are moving as far away from TSR as possible, so... the unknown apply is from an object most likely - i think :) you'll have to scan yer log and find out when the object is being loaded - it'll give an error then also. then look at the object and make sure it aint using a wacky apply. (apply is APPLY_HITROLL, etc.) OR this is a problem with your levels. we dunt got levels, so i dunno :)
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