Re: Login names...

From: Giao H. Phan (
Date: 03/25/95

On Mon, 13 Mar 1995, DoDGeR wrote:

> /==/ and thus Andy Davidoff writes:
> dert> well, it's possible to use some third-party code and identify a
> dert> connection's acct. we've incorporated this into our newest code, and it
> dert> has alot of use as far as banning goes, as u can now ban an account
> dert> individually. say, ban new and i cant
> dert> create an new players from my acct. also, we can finger dudes online,
> dert> mail their sysadmin with more than a complaint, etc. 
> Could you please post this code?  I think it would go a long way to helping get
> rid of the scum on circle muds..
> thanx
yawn, we are the scum of the circle muds :)

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