Re: anyone been able to page_string the where command?

From: John Neil (
Date: 03/27/95

On Mon, 27 Mar 1995, Michael K. Lee wrote:

> Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:11:44 -0800 (PST)
> From: Michael K. Lee <>
> To: Circle Mailing List <>
> Subject: anyone been able to page_string the where command?
> Has anyone been able to page break the immortal where command?
> the print_objects... function sprintfs to a buf, then sends_to_char
> right away.  Can we forget about the send_to_char in the function
> and add page_string(ch->desc, buf) instead, at the end?
> mike

You can, but you have to take great care with the SIZE of the buffer.  It 
is very easy for a where command to get a buffer size which is way out of 
hand.  The checks you have to put on the size must be very conservative.


John Neil                                        e-mail:
Mathematics Department UNIX SysAdmin and Maple Tech. Rep.
Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

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