
From: Belgian Underground Mud (bug@asteriks.rug.ac.be)
Date: 05/20/95


I have implemented some races to on our mud. The code is quite similar to 
that of the classes. So, I suggest that you take a good look at that.
If you still have some problems, or just want some advice, just email us.

	Hymy, The Wacko P-Imp <Power-Imp>

|      I t ' s  n o t  a  b u g ,  i t ' s  a  f e a t u r e ! ! !      |
|                                                                       |
| BUG Mud - Belgian UnderGround    @@@@@@@@.    @@@.  @@@.   .@@@@@@@.  |
| Imps:                            @@@@  `@@@   @@@@  @@@@  !@@@@' `@@! |
|  Gekke, Charlotte, Hymy,         @@@@..:@@@   @@@@  @@@!  !@@@@    '  |
|   Mentat and Wodan               @@!@@@@@@    @@@!  !@@!  !@!@@ .@@@. |
|                                  !@!! `!@@@.  @@!!  !@!!  !@!!@  `@@@ |
| Thanx to SunGoku...              :!!: .!!@@;  !!!:. !@!!  `!!!@. :@!@ |
|                                  `!!::!!:!'   `!!!:::!!'   :!!!!!!!!! |
| If you can't connect,            .!: `:: :     `::' `::     :!:' `!'  |
| email tvergote@eduserv.rug.ac.be  :;   : .      :;   :       ::   :   |
| with subject "frontdoor"          :    .        :    .        .   .   |

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