re: playerfile conversion

From: jaco v Iterson (
Date: 06/06/95

Change the convert.h structures to your old structures,
put the files in src/util, compile convert.c,
debug it.

If you got it runnig, keep the convert.h up to date so if
you change the structures again you just need to compile
convert.c and it works again.


 *  file: convert.c
 *  Part of DiamondMud
 *  Usage: Converts the PlayerFile to new structure.
 *  Written by Jaco van Iterson

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "../structs.h"
#include "convert.h"

void convplay(char *);

main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2)
    printf("Usage: %s playerfile-name\n", argv[0]);

void convplay(char *filename) {
   FILE *ifp,*ofp;
   struct old_char_file_u old;
   struct char_file_u new;
   int i, len_oldbloc, len_newbloc;
   if (!(ifp = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
      printf("Can't open %s.", filename);
   ofp = fopen("", "wb");

   len_oldbloc = sizeof(old);
   len_newbloc = sizeof(new);
   printf("Length of old block is %d, length of new block is %d\n",							 len_oldbloc, len_newbloc);
   fseek(ifp, 0L, SEEK_END);
   if (ftell(ifp)%len_oldbloc)
      printf("Length of old file isn't a multiple of old block length\n");

   while(fread(&old, len_oldbloc, 1, ifp), !feof(ifp)) {

      strcpy(new.description, old.description);
      strcpy(new.title, old.title);
      strcpy(new.poofin, old.poofin_txt);
      strcpy(new.poofout, old.poofout_txt);
      new.birth		= old.birth;
      new.played	= old.played;		=;
      switch (old.race) {
         case 1: new.race	= RACE_HUMAN;		break;
         case 2: new.race	= RACE_ELF;		break;
         case 3: new.race	= RACE_DWARF;		break;
         case 4: new.race	= RACE_HALFLING;	break;
         case 5: new.race	= RACE_GIANT;		break;
         case 6: new.race	= RACE_TROLL;		break;
         default:new.race	= -1; 			break;
      switch (old.class) {
         case 1: new.class	= CLASS_MAGE;		break;
         case 2: new.class	= CLASS_CLERIC;		break;
         case 3: new.class	= CLASS_THIEF;		break;
         case 4: new.class	= CLASS_FIGHTER;	break;
         case 5: new.class	= CLASS_SOHEI;		break;
         case 6: new.class	= CLASS_TEMPLAR;	break;
         case 7: new.class	= CLASS_DESPOILER;	break;
         case 8: new.class	= CLASS_RANGER;		break;
         case 9: new.class	= CLASS_ASSASSIN;	break;
         default:new.class	= -1; 			break;
      new.level		= old.level;
      new.weight	= old.weight;
      new.height	= old.height;
      new.righthanded	= old.righthanded;
      new.hometown	= old.hometown;
      strcpy(new.pwd, old.pwd);

      new.char_specials_saved.alignment		= old.specials2.alignment;
      new.char_specials_saved.idnum		= old.specials2.idnum;
      new.char_specials_saved.act		= old.specials2.act;
      new.char_specials_saved.affected_by	= 0;

      for(i=0;i<MAX_SKILLS;i++) new.player_specials_saved.skills[i] = old.skills[i];
      new.player_specials_saved.spells_to_learn = old.specials2.spells_to_learn;
      for(i=0;i<MAX_TONGUE;i++) new.player_specials_saved.talks[i] = old.talks[i];
      new.player_specials_saved.wimp_level = old.specials2.wimp_level;
      new.player_specials_saved.freeze_level = old.specials2.freeze_level;
      new.player_specials_saved.invis_level	= 0;
      if (old.specials2.load_room < 1300)
         new.player_specials_saved.load_room = old.specials2.load_room-1100;
         new.player_specials_saved.load_room = old.specials2.load_room;
      new.player_specials_saved.pref = old.specials2.pref;
      new.player_specials_saved.bad_pws = old.specials2.bad_pws;
      for (i=0;i<3;i++) new.player_specials_saved.conditions[i] = old.specials2.conditions[i];

      new.abilities.str		=	old.abilities.str;
      new.abilities.str_add	=	old.abilities.str_add;	=;
      new.abilities.wis		=	old.abilities.wis;
      new.abilities.dex		=	old.abilities.dex;
      new.abilities.con		=	old.abilities.con;
      new.abilities.cha		=	old.abilities.cha;

      new.points.mana		= old.points.mana;
      new.points.max_mana	= old.points.max_mana;
      new.points.hit		= old.points.max_mana;
      new.points.max_hit	= old.points.max_hit;
      new.points.move		= old.points.move;
      new.points.max_move	= old.points.max_move;
      new.points.armor		= old.points.armor;		=;
      new.points.bank_gold	= old.points.bank_gold;
      new.points.exp		= old.points.exp;
      new.points.hitroll	= old.points.hitroll;
      new.points.damroll	= old.points.damroll;

      for(i=0;i<MAX_AFFECT;i++) {
         new.affected[i].type		= old.affected[i].type;
         new.affected[i].duration	= old.affected[i].duration;
         new.affected[i].modifier	= old.affected[i].modifier;
         new.affected[i].location	= old.affected[i].location;
         new.affected[i].bitvector	= old.affected[i].bitvector;
         new.affected[i].next		= (struct affected_type *) -1; }

      new.last_logon = old.last_logon;

      fwrite(&new, len_newbloc, 1, ofp);

/* ************************************************************************
*   File: convert.h                                                       *
*  Usage: header file for conversion of the player file                   *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*                                                                         *
************************************************************************ */

#define OLD_HOST_LENGTH		30
#define OLD_MAX_TONGUE		3
#define OLD_MAX_SKILLS		128
#define OLD_MAX_AFFECT		32

typedef signed char		old_sbyte;
typedef signed short int	old_sh_int;
typedef char			old_byte;
typedef unsigned char		old_ubyte;
typedef char			old_bool;

struct old_char_ability_data {
   old_sbyte str;
   old_sbyte str_add;      /* 000 - 100 if strength 18             */
   old_sbyte intel;
   old_sbyte wis;
   old_sbyte dex;
   old_sbyte con;
   old_sbyte cha;

struct old_char_point_data {
   old_sh_int mana;
   old_sh_int max_mana;     /* Max move for PC/NPC			   */
   old_sh_int hit;
   old_sh_int max_hit;      /* Max hit for PC/NPC                      */
   old_sh_int move;
   old_sh_int max_move;     /* Max move for PC/NPC                     */

   old_sh_int armor;        /* Internal -100..100, external -10..10 AC */
   int	gold;           /* Money carried                           */
   int	bank_gold;	/* Gold the char has in a bank account	   */
   int	exp;            /* The experience of the player            */

   old_sbyte hitroll;       /* Any bonus or penalty to the hit roll    */
   old_sbyte damroll;       /* Any bonus or penalty to the damage roll */

struct old_char_special2_data {
   long		idnum;		/* player's idnum			*/
   old_sh_int	load_room;      /* Which room to place char in		*/
   old_byte 	spells_to_learn;/* How many can you learn yet this level*/
   int		alignment;	/* +-1000 for alignments                */
   long		act;		/* act flag for NPC's; player flag for PC's */
   long		pref;		/* preference flags for PC's.		*/
   int		wimp_level;	/* Below this # of hit points, flee!	*/
   old_byte	freeze_level;	/* Level of god who froze char, if any	*/
   old_ubyte	bad_pws;	/* number of bad password attemps	*/
   old_sh_int	apply_saving_throw[5]; /* Saving throw (Bonuses)	*/
   old_sbyte	conditions[3];	/* Drunk full etc.		*/

struct old_affected_type {
   old_sbyte	type;		/* The type of spell that caused this      */
   old_sh_int	duration;	/* For how long its effects will last      */
   old_sbyte	modifier;	/* This is added to apropriate ability     */
   old_byte	location;	/* Tells which ability to change(APPLY_XXX)*/
   long		bitvector;	/* Tells which bits to set (AFF_XXX)       */
   struct old_affected_type *next;

/* ***********************************************************************
*  file element for player file. BEWARE: Changing it will ruin the file  *
*********************************************************************** */

struct old_char_file_u {
   time_t	birth;  /* Time of birth of character     */
   int		played;    /* Number of secs played in total */

   old_byte		sex;
   old_byte		race;
   old_byte		class;
   old_byte		level;
   old_ubyte	weight;
   old_ubyte	height;
   old_ubyte	hometown;
   old_ubyte	clan;
   old_ubyte	guild;
   old_ubyte	subguild;
   old_bool		righthanded;

   old_byte					skills[OLD_MAX_SKILLS];
   old_bool					talks[OLD_MAX_TONGUE];
   struct old_affected_type		affected[OLD_MAX_AFFECT];
   struct old_char_special2_data	specials2;
   struct old_char_ability_data		abilities;
   struct old_char_point_data		points;

   time_t	last_logon;		/* Time (in secs) of last logon */
   char		host[OLD_HOST_LENGTH+1];	/* host of last logon */

   /* char data */

   char	name[20];
   char	pwd[OLD_MAX_PWD_LENGTH+1];
   char	title[80];
   char	description[240];
   char	poofin_txt[80];
   char poofout_txt[80];

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