I have made alist of a few questions over the last 2 weeks, here goes... 1) How do i make the prompt in color? I tried to do it like everything else by adding CCRED(ch, C_NRM) etc... to the display prompt function in comm.c but when someone logs in the game crashed. Wehn i loged in as my imo (with prompt off) I got in fine, but when i typed display all to show me the prompt, it crashed. Do i have to do something different to make the prompt in color? 2) I added multi-atttacks and they work with no bugs or probs, buy when someone fights, it gives all the mobs attacks a round, then the players. What I want it to do is offset. i want the mobs first attack to go, then the players first, then the mobs second, then the players second.. etc... to mix it up. How would i go about doing this? 3) Someone told me about a bug in a mud they used to play. If a player got over a certian number of coins, the amount rolled negative and the game crashed. Is this the case in circle3.00bpl8? or is there a limit to the max amount to coins a player/mob can have total? If not, how can i set a limit to it so this doesn't happin. 4) I noticed the petshow boy is killable. He is a shopkeeper and shouldn't be. I looked in the shp file for his stuff to change his temper to make him not killable, but i couldn't find it? Where can i change this? 5) Last, when someone types look in a room, all the mobs and players in the room are different colors. I would like them to be different colors, maybe mobs are orange, players are magenta or something. I can't find out where to change this since in the look function? it combinds the two into 1 and makes it a color. How would i seperate them? Thanx in advance... Darkangel1
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