builder trys tackling MUD

From: Edward Long (
Date: 10/24/95

Well, Im a former builder and figured Id give full imp'ing a try after 
many months of debating and talking to others.  Ive got the site set up 
and the circle running and have explored it a bit just to see how things 
are set up.
	Ive run into a slight snag though, in showing it to someone who 
was thinking about helping me out (previously only been on mushes) he 
asked how to practice.  I told him, and we discovered that he is unable 
to practice in skills he doesnt already have some skill in.  i.e. Being a 
theif he started with only sneak.  He couldnt train in steal or 
anything.  I created a test character and found the same true for it.  
Can anyone tell me what the problem here is?  And if theres any way to 
set the guilds to be able to teach skills that are not known already in 
some way by the character?
	Also, Ive not be able to find the combat skills, the combat realated are 
there (i.e. bash, kick, etc.) but the three that it says should be there 
(slash, pierce, blugeon) I cannot find.  Can anyone tell me where they are in the code?  

Thanks for the help, Ironwolf the would be Imp.

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