makeffile that was posted

From: Billy H. Chan (~{3B:FH;~}) (
Date: 11/01/95

Great Job on the Makefile... saved me at least an hour of work!

However, for those of us who don't have the following files:
	inet.h and dbnet.h,

remove them from the HDR section

For those of us using Strom or LostLands, add the following in
OBJS and SRCS (.c in src, .o in objs)
	alias.c \
	mobcmd.c \
	mobprog.c \
	quest.c \
	iedit.c \
	redit .c \

and soon... zedit.c :)

and remember to 'make depend' afterwards (but before 'make all')

(I can just see people complaining how the makefile doesn't work because
 of the above issues... silly coders!) :)
anyway this machine's coming down like a rock.... hasta lambda!
Hope the motherbaord isnt' crashing again.
-Billy H. Chan	~{3B:FH;~}		    <> 
 For more, check out
 NovaCmdr. 'Suicide Strom' of Clan Wolf | FiestyFly FireMoth Variant
 "If you're going under 100kph, you might as well stand still"

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