For all new coders - here is a very simple script file that is INVALUABLE to learning/finding things in the C-code. It searches all the circle3.0 .c and .h files for whatever you want. If you have aditional source files, just add them in the same fashion as the other files. usage: srcseek <code> put the following into a file in your src directory, and make it executable: ---------------- echo "boards.h" cat boards.h |grep $1 echo "handler.h" cat handler.h |grep $1 echo "mail.h" cat mail.h |grep $1 echo "shop.h" cat shop.h |grep $1 echo "utils.h" cat utils.h |grep $1 echo "comm.h" cat comm.h |grep $1 echo "house.h" cat house.h |grep $1 echo "olc.h" cat olc.h |grep $1 echo "spells.h" cat spells.h |grep $1 echo "act.comm.c" cat act.comm.c |grep $1 echo "castle.c" cat castle.c |grep $1 echo "act.informative.c" cat act.informative.c |grep $1 echo "class.c" cat class.c |grep $1 echo "interpreter.c" cat interpreter.c |grep $1 echo "shop.c" cat shop.c |grep $1 echo "act.movement.c" cat act.movement.c |grep $1 echo "comm.c" cat comm.c |grep $1 echo "limits.c" cat limits.c |grep $1 echo "spec_assign.c" cat spec_assign.c |grep $1 echo "act.obj.c" cat act.obj.c |grep $1 echo "config.c" cat config.c |grep $1 echo "magic.c" cat magic.c |grep $1 echo "spec_procs.c" cat spec_procs.c |grep $1 echo "act.offensive.c" cat act.offensive.c |grep $1 echo "constants.c" cat constants.c |grep $1 echo "mail.c" cat mail.c |grep $1 echo "spell_parser.c" cat spell_parser.c |grep $1 echo "act.other.c" cat act.other.c |grep $1 echo "db.c" cat db.c |grep $1 echo "mobact.c" cat mobact.c |grep $1 echo "spells.c" cat spells.c |grep $1 echo "" cat |grep $1 echo "fight.c" cat fight.c |grep $1 echo "modify.c" cat modify.c |grep $1 echo "utils.c" cat utils.c |grep $1 echo "act.wizard.c" cat act.wizard.c |grep $1 echo "graph.c" cat graph.c |grep $1 echo "objsave.c" cat objsave.c |grep $1 echo "weather.c" cat weather.c |grep $1 echo "ban.c" cat ban.c |grep $1 echo "handler.c" cat handler.c |grep $1 echo "olc.c" cat olc.c |grep $1 echo "boards.c" cat boards.c |grep $1 echo "house.c" cat house.c |grep $1 echo "random.c" cat random.c |grep $1 echo "db.h" cat db.h |grep $1 echo "interpreter.h" cat interpreter.h |grep $1 echo "screen.h" cat screen.h |grep $1 echo "structs.h" cat structs.h |grep $1 ------------------------ It makes life much easier. - Brian
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