Re: a little note on ^Ms

From: Brain E. Mouse (
Date: 11/24/95

On Fri, 24 Nov 1995 wrote:

> > 
> > On Fri, 24 Nov 1995, Greg Alexander Irvine wrote:
> > 
> > the problem isn't with the ^Ms, its with the program writing the ^Ms, i 
> > suppose we could all put a dos2unix command for every file in autorun, 
> > but that would be more hassle than its worth
> It seems more worthwhile to filter each string before it is written.

 Yes, exactly. Why is it that you guys are finding it so hard to do this?

> A function to do so could be something like:
> void strip(char *string)
> {
[nice little function, deleted]

 Ok, I consider myself to be an amatuer C programmer and I came up with 
this program in five minutes! (give or take, and only because I've never 
actually _used_ strtok() before and kept getting parse errors. d:-/ )

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

  char s1[] = "test\ring, th\ris works\r!\r";
  char *p;
  FILE *fp;

  fp = fopen("strip.extra", "w+");

/* Look at all those ^M's! Uh oh... */
  fprintf(fp, "%s", s1);

/* Let's get rid of them and print something we can read */
  fprintf(fp, "\n\n%s", strtok(s1, "\r"));

  while((p = strtok(NULL, "\r")) != NULL)
    fprintf(fp, "%s", p);

/* THE END */

It doesn't actually get rid of the "\r" in the string, but then you don't 
_want_ to do that if you're gonna use it to print to the mud users. Hmm, 
ok, if you wanted to _read in_ the string putting the "\r"'s in the right 
places I guess you'd have to write some token where they would be. Hell, 
it only took 5 mins so maybe it's not perfect. I really don't know how 
the olc works anyways cause I've never taken a look, sorry. d:-P  But the 
whole point is, it shouldn't take too long to do it. If it does, I 
think you're doing something way too complicated...

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