Re: RBB: Really Big Bitvectors

From: Jaco van Iterson (J.C.vanIterson@ET.TUDelft.NL)
Date: 12/11/95

On Sat, 9 Dec 1995, Paul Cole wrote:

> FLAG -- a STATE <example of uses in *mud, FLYING, 
> BITVECTOR -- a variable which can repreresent one or more FLAGS or STATES.
A flag isn't a state, a flag has 2 states, on or off,
2 flags have 4 states, off-off, off-on, on-off, off-off, etc.

> An 8 bit field can represent only 8 states or flags normally.
That would be 256 states or 8 flags.

> For example
> Suppose you have 4 bits you want to represent SWIMMING, DIVING, 
>                                               WALKING,  RUNNING
> Normal straight forward method would be to use 4 bits to control these 
> flags or states.  
> SDWR <1000 is swimming, 0001 is running>
> But close inspection would show that you can use a mere 2 bits for these 4
> values becuase RUNNING is only possible when you are WALKING and DIVING is
> only possible when you are SWIMMING. Also, I note that WALKING is the same
> thing as NOT FLYING. So you could <though I don't, too much work> use 2
> bits to represent this. 
> XY where
>     X -- 1 = SWIMMING, 0 = WALKING
>     Y -- 1 = DIVING,   0 = RUNNING
>    10 = SWIMMING     and NOT DIVING
>    11 = SWIMMING     and DIVING
> Thus I've just implemented all 4 STATES in 2 BITS.
What you are doing here is deleting unused states, first you had 16 posible
states of which only 4 were actualy used. Getting rid of unused states is
always a good idea.

> This is very proprietary and imho, not terribly useful.  It is only 
> presented here as a method for representing more than X FLAGS in an Xbit 
> bit field.
It is a very good method, only I think you are representing x flags in
an x bit bitfield after the method is used and was using to many bits before.

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