Here's a bit of code some of you might find of use. I've modified Strom's LostLands Engraver special proc, to make a special proc for a machine that recharges STAFF's and WANDS. I've had this running in my MUD for a while now and it seems to be working fine. Remember to assign the object the spec_proc in spec_assign.c. This can easily be modified for use with a MOB if you prefer. You will also need to add the RECHARGE command to interpreter.c. ================ Spec_Proc Recharge below ==================== SPECIAL(recharger) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; struct obj_data *obj; int maxcharge = 0, mincharge = 0, chargeval = 0; if (CMD_IS("list")) { send_to_char("You may use the SWEET machine to recharge a staff or wand.\r\n", ch); send_to_char("It costs 10000 coins to recharge a staff or wand.\r\n", ch); send_to_char("To recharge and item say: Recharge Staff or Recharge Wand.\r\n", ch); return (TRUE); } else if (CMD_IS("recharge")) { argument = one_argument(argument, buf); if (!(obj = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch, buf, ch->carrying))) { send_to_char("You don't have that!\r\n", ch); return (TRUE); } if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) != ITEM_STAFF && GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) != ITEM_WAND) { send_to_char("Are you daff!!! You can't recharge that!!\r\n", ch); return (TRUE); } if (GET_GOLD(ch) < 10000) { send_to_char("You don't have enough gold!\r\n", ch); return (TRUE); } maxcharge = GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1); mincharge = GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2); if (mincharge < maxcharge) { chargeval = maxcharge - mincharge; GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 2) += chargeval; GET_GOLD(ch) -= 10000; send_to_char("Grrrr...Hmmmmm.....Belch....BING!\r\n",ch); sprintf(buf, "The item now has %d charges remaining.\r\n", maxcharge); send_to_char(buf, ch); act("The machine hums and churns as it recharges the item.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_ROOM); } else { send_to_char("Item does not need recharging.\r\n", ch); act("The machine hums, churns, and then goes quiet.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_ROOM); } return 1; } return 0; } ===================== End Recharge ====================== Thought for the day: The only thing that hurts more than paying income tax is not having to pay income tax. +==================================================================+ | David Carver, Programmer Analyst "Spooooooooonnnnnn!!!" | | Columbus State Community College -- The Tick | | Email: | +==================================================================+
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