End of Binary files :)

From: Rasmus R\xnlev (raro94ab@hp4.econ.cbs.dk)
Date: 02/20/96

Hi again.

Well, just wanted to say tanks to everyone who helped me with the problem 
of the binary files stuff. It seemed to be a bug caused by me saving a 
struct char_file_u wich I passed to another procedure by a pointer, that 
didn't work correctly... I have no idea why though.. but it fixed it by 
not using a seperate procedure to save the struct... 

Anyways, if someone wants to have a copy of the pfile converter (its not 
finnished yet, and I suppose it'll only work good on my own mud files), 
send me a messge and it's a deal.


*                            *    Visit my homepage:                      *
*   Rasmus Rønlev DOEK'94    *    http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/raro94ab  *
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*      Student, B.Sc in Computer Science and Business Administration      *
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