Loading of objfile - Load errors

From: Rasmus R\xnlev (raro94ab@hp4.econ.cbs.dk)
Date: 04/01/96

Hi all.

In the beleaf that someone here could clear this up, I'm composing a 
letter about my newest sorrow *sulk*

Whats happening is, that I added two more 'global' FILE * pointers, one 
for an imm_help file, and one for a clan file... now this loads fine, and 
there doesn't seem to be any problems here... The funky thing happens 
when more than 17 players log onto the mud...

The mud gives one of those EQ load errors, just as if there are not 
enough available file descriptors (thats what I beleave the problem might 
be). Now does anyone know if I can get arround that problem.. I mean 
freeing up the clan/imm_help file so it's not open all the time doesnt 
seem to be so important to me... I mean.. what'll two more file 
descriptors do... 

It started to occur after I added the two files, but on the other hand 
we've just begun to get that amount of players anyway... so I haven't got 
anything to cross reference it with..

so... anyone able to tell me anything on the basis of this ?


*                            *    Visit my homepage:                      *
*   Rasmus Rønlev DOEK'94    *    http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/raro94ab  *
*   Student instructor       *    Visit my Multi User Dungeon (MUD):      *
*                            *    ns3.ptd.net 5000 or 5000    *   
*                                                                         *
*      Student, B.Sc in Computer Science and Business Administration      *
*                                                                         *

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