best bet is to add a whole new bitvector... only 32 letters per vector. that way you could set the bits it is agg to, maybe even free up a couple in your starting set. bad side is, no room for growth, maybe a vector for races, and one for classes? this will require a editing of: 1) the mob files 2) the mob loading process 3) any olc you have 4) builders handbook 5) structures 6) this functions that will actually handle this. if you store the races and the classes each in their own bitvectors, this can get real interesting if(aggr&&(!aggr_to_race)&&(!aggr_to_class)) kill; else if(target_race&aggr_to_race) kill; else if(targer_class&aggr_to_class) kill ; hmmm... I actually like this system.... thanx for the idea. but my builders will wanna kill me :) ---------- From: owner-circle To: circle Subject: Adding Mob Action Bitvectors Date: Thursday, April 04, 1996 11:03PM Hi all, In the Mud that I am writing I have 15 classes and 15 races. What I would like to do is add some more Action Bitvectors for mobs so I can have an aggressive one for each class and race, eg MOB_AGGR_WARRIOR etc. However, since the action bitvectors are assigned with letters, and at current NOBLIND is already "r" how ca I add another 30? Has anyone else added heaps for Action Bitvectors? If so how did you do it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Fionn
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