Re: FreeBSD Compile

From: PitLord (
Date: 04/07/96

Eric Ogren (PitLord)
SysOp of OlympusNet -- (508)897-7594

On Sun, 7 Apr 1996, Jeffrey D. Frey, Jr. wrote:

> I know that this subject has come up here before but I'm having a 
> heck of a time getting my MUD to compile on FreeBSD.  I have had it 
> working on BSD before so I know this should not be terribly hard.  
> My problem is in linking...I get an error saying that crypt is 
> undefined in the text segment.  I then found the define in utils.h.  
> and made sure utils.h was included in the files that I got the 
> errors.  Everything seemed to be ok but I can't get around these 
> errors.
> I would appreciate any information on this, and thanks in advance.

Try adding a -lcrypt on the end of the gcc flags..It'll link circle to 
the crypt library, which should have the function for crypt in it..


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