equiping newbies with zon file?

From: moron (moron@IslandNet.com)
Date: 04/09/96

I was checking out the Sundhaven documentation and he seems to be 
sufggesting that you can use the zon file to load newbies with equipment.  
My question is that the building.doc distributed with 3.0bpl10 does not 
mention how this would work.  It seems to suggest that you must know the 
vnum of of newbies to make this work.  Is there some undocumented wild 
card that can be used or am I completely missing something obvious?  What 
I want to do is to have whatever load room I choose automatically equip 
characters with some basic equipment.

If you can't do it this way, what function handles giving objects to 
players?  Is there a good description of how it is stored in the user 
structure? I scanned through struct.h but it was unclear to me how vnum's 
of equipment were handled (i.e. where they were stored).  Thanks for any 
suggestions you might have.

|        __,,______________   "Self preservation = Extreme Paranoia"   |
|       <     ____________/                                            |
|       /   /-'                  . . . . . .   MORON  . . . . . .      |
|      /___/       N A R C       .     moron@IslandNet.com      .      |
|                    c/o         . . . . . . .      . . . . . . .      |
|                                                                      |
|       http://www.islandnet.com/~moron/deterrent/narc/narc.html       |

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