newbie question: cleaning out stock rooms (try II)

From: moron (
Date: 04/18/96

I apologize to anyone who got an empty message last time . . . the mail 
program messes up here sometimes (it's a known bug).

Anyway, I want to clean out the stock world that comes with pl10 and am 
curious about a couple of things.  Do I have to remove all the references 
in spec_proc.c that mention VNUM's or will Circle ignore them as long as I 
don't try to use those VNUM's?  What I'd like to be able to do is 
cannabalize some of those functions (message boards for an example) as 
needed while we build up the world.  If I do have to remove every single 
reference to a VNUM to do this, what are the *.c files I need to check 
other than spec_* and maybe class.c?

On a related note, does Circle have one pool of VNUM's or are rooms, 
objects and mobs all using their own (i.e. you can have a room and a mob 
with the VNUM 3000)?  Thanks for any help you can offer.

|        __,,______________   "Self preservation = Extreme Paranoia"   |
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|       /   /-'                  . . . . . .   MORON  . . . . . .      |
|      /___/       N A R C       .      .      |
|                    c/o         . . . . . . .      . . . . . . .      |
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