Re: More questions.. (geez:P)

From: King of the Pridelands (
Date: 04/20/96

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, corey hoitsma wrote:

> 	How would I add a flag? I know how I'd get who and look to recognize
> 	a flag.. like KILLER or THIEF.. but I can't seem to be able to make
> 	a new flag.. like for AFK or AFW.

	Well, first you add the flag in structs.h.  Find where all the
other flags are and add it to the end of that list.  It'll look something

#define   FLAG_AFK      (1<<n)      /* This is COMPLETELY from memort and
                                       probabaly screwed up..*/

n will be the number of the previous flag +1.
Look at how the other flags are done...
Now, to set a flag, I suggest you look at one of the functions (like
do_kill) and see how flags are set...I cant remeber, but I think
it is PLR_FLAGGED? and you can make your function.  Most likely, there
will be someone with a better memory also answering you, but I hope
that this helps! :)

> 	I've been browsing around in lots of diffrent kinds of MUDs in the
> 	past years, and I noticed on Farside Muds(ie. Avatar) and maybe it's
>  	Merc too, have a spell system that uses the damage messages for 
> 	offensive spells/skills..
> IE
> 	kick
> 	Your kick -- DESTORYS -- the large dragon!
> Here, DESTORYS would change according to how much hp it took.. just like 
> with hitting..
> 	cas 'lightning'
> 	You conjure a lightning bolt that --> DEMOLISHES <-- the dragon!
> Get my drift?
> I'd like to do this, but it seems to be a lot of work.. anyone already
> done something like this?

	This would be tedious, but easy to do with a lotta if statements
and sprintfs or strcats...

|        ,..       | Steve Conley                  |
|     ("\|||/")    +-------------------------------+
|      //6_6\\     |   |
|     ./(_Y_)\`    | |
|     '//`-'\\`    |              |
|     //|||||\\    |         |
| **  |,`````,|    +-------------------------------+
| ** _||`   '||_   | Lord Xan the Implementor of   |
|  \/_||,   ,||_\  | VirtualWorldsMUD:             |
|  (!(!!)---(!!)!) | 8000   |

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