For starters, I'm sorry for this post. It doesn't really belong here but I feel the need to vent. >Yes it does. This list is for Circle specific questions, not questions >about how to program in C. If you don't know how to program in C, learn >by reading a book... most of the silly C programing problems could've >been solved by simply knowing the language or reading the K&R book. The >purpose of this list is not to babysit people through cs 1. Agreed, this isn't a place for people with more C programming experience to babysit me. It is however a place that I can write to in hopes that someone out there might have a solution to a problem I'm having. I for one am not a good C programmer but have learned far more by reading posts from people on here (answers to both good and stupid questions) and playing with the code itself that I ever learned from a book or class for that matter. If I have a question about some simple basic C programming, so be it but please don't flame me because I don't know as much about C as you or others do. If I don't ask those newbie stupid questions and get answers to them, I'll be asking for help for a long time because no one with the knowledge I need ever bothered to help me out. It's stale mate. No one starts out as being a C programming expert and I'm almost willing to bet you and everyone else out there that are good at C asked those very same newbie questions some time or another. Please keep this in mind when you see some little technical problem someone overlooked and if it bothers you that much, simply delete the message. Again, sorry for the venting and inappropriately posted message. Chris Sosbe
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