From: Fionn Colvin <> Ok, I changed my percent line to: percent = (100 * current) / total You might want to fire up old gdb and do something like the following: b <function name> run (when you hit the break point...) step (keep steping until you hit the line above) print current print total step print percent That should give you some better feel for what's happening around this point... have fun... gdb's your friend. Another thing to check is whether you're using the right values or if you're sending the same number for str/dex/con... The if (total...) current == ... block also seems fishy to me. What's so special about total == 200? and why assume 100 - <negative current> will give a good result (a negative current would end up as 100 + abs(current) in what you have... (you might just do a simple MAX(0, current) and keep negatives out.) -- Billy H. Chan CogSci/CompSci ResumeInside APPENDED IS THE FUNCTION: char *see_good(int current, int total) { int percent; static char word[256]; if ((total == 200) && (current < 0)) current = 100 - current; if (total < 1) total = 1; percent = (current * 100) / total; if (percent < 1) percent = 1; if (percent >= 100) strcpy(word, "supreme"); else if (percent >= 90) strcpy(word, "excellent"); else if (percent >= 80) strcpy(word, "very good"); else if (percent >= 70) strcpy(word, "good"); else if (percent >= 60) strcpy(word, "above average"); else if (percent >= 50) strcpy(word, "average"); else if (percent >= 40) strcpy(word, "below average"); else if (percent >= 30) strcpy(word, "fair"); else if (percent >= 20) strcpy(word, "poor"); else if (percent >= 10) strcpy(word, "bad"); else strcpy(word, "pathetic"); return (word); } ACMD(do_score) { /* struct time_info_data playing_time; struct time_info_data real_time_passed(time_t t2, time_t t1); */ sprintf(buf, " Name: %s\r\n", GET_NAME(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s Title: %s\r\n", buf, GET_TITLE(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s\r\n", buf); sprintf(buf, "%s Race: %s\r\n", buf, RACE_ABBR(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s Level: %d Class: %s\r\n", buf, GET_LEVEL(ch), CLASS_ABBR(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s Hit Points: %d(%d) Mana: %d(%d) Moves: %d(%d)\r\n", buf, GET_HIT(ch), GET_MAX_HIT(ch), GET_MANA(ch), GET_MAX_MANA(ch), GET_MOVE(ch), GET_MAX_MOVE(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s Age: %d years old. Height: %d'' Weight: %d lbs\r\n", buf, GET_AGE(ch), GET_HEIGHT(ch), GET_WEIGHT(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s Str: %s/%d Dex: %s Con: %s\r\n", buf, see_good(GET_STR(ch), 25), GET_ADD(ch), see_good(GET_DEX(ch), 25), see_good(GET_CON(ch), 25)); sprintf(buf, "%s Int: %d Wis: %d Cha: %d\r\n", buf, GET_INT(ch), GET_WIS(ch), GET_CHA(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%s AC: %d Hit Roll: %d Damage Roll: %d\r\n", buf, GET_AC(ch), GET_HITROLL(ch), GET_DAMROLL(ch)); Thanks in advance Fionn
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