Easy color for CircleMUD

From: pi (mud@proimages.proimages.com)
Date: 05/23/96

After looking at Circle's color code, I decided something more was needed.

The following code provides an easy way to add color to text files, mob 
descriptions, etc.

Here's how it works:

1. Put in the code
2. Wherever you want color, use \c followed by a two-digit number.

For example, 
\c01Hello! \c10this is yellow.\c00

Will print Hello! in red, "this is yellow," in bold (extended ANSI) yellow, 
and then turn off color (revert to default color).

Color sequence is red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white.

Color 1 is red, color 8 is bold red (just add 7), color 15 is red background.

For instance,

\c18\c07White on blue background

is just that.

NOTE that in a .c source file, you will need to specify it as "\\c##", two
backslashes, but in an external text file (motd, etc.) you only need one \.

Ex: when sending something to char --

You can, of course, change c to whatever character you want, modify the 
code, etc., to make it better suited to your needs.

The color code doesn't check to make sure that the buffer doesn't exceed 
the maximum output buffer size, but since this is rarely a problem (would 
require 6 full screens of text under bpl11) I didn't bother.

Lines getting chopped in the middle (e.g., "hi\c0" .. "1 there") and 
output separately will not be colored correctly.


1. Add the following lines to comm.c:

(in header section)
#include "screen.h"

(in extern section)

void proc_color(char *inbuf);

In the function process_output (comm.c), look for the lines
/* add the extra CRLF if the person isn't in compact mode */
if (!t->connected.......  blah blah blah

and add these lines:

	if(clr(t->character, C_NRM)

(Since almost every one of the old CCRED() or whatever color macros used 
C_NRM anyway, this is a blanket check -- if your color is NRM or above, 
you get it, if not, you don't.  You can change C_NRM to complete or 
sparse or whatever other value you want.)

Those lines should come before

 * now, send the output .............

(in case you've changed something)

2. Add "color.o" to the object list in the Makefile (after comm.o) and after 
the comm.o dependencies lines add this:

color.o: color.c
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) color.c

3. Save this file as "color.c" in the src directory:

------ clip here ------

/* color.c */

#define CNRM  "\x1B[0;0m"
#define CRED  "\x1B[31m"
#define CGRN  "\x1B[32m"
#define CYEL  "\x1B[33m"
#define CBLU  "\x1B[34m"
#define CMAG  "\x1B[35m"
#define CCYN  "\x1B[36m"
#define CWHT  "\x1B[37m"
#define CNUL  ""

#define BRED  "\x1B[1;31m"
#define BGRN  "\x1B[1;32m"
#define BYEL  "\x1B[1;33m"
#define BBLU  "\x1B[1;34m"
#define BMAG  "\x1B[1;35m"
#define BCYN  "\x1B[1;36m"
#define BWHT  "\x1B[1;37m"

#define BKRED  "\x1B[41m"
#define BKGRN  "\x1B[42m"
#define BKYEL  "\x1B[43m"
#define BKBLU  "\x1B[44m"
#define BKMAG  "\x1B[45m"
#define BKCYN  "\x1B[46m"
#define BKWHT  "\x1B[47m"

#define MAX_COLORS 21

int isnum(char s)
  return( (s>='0') && (s<='9') );

void proc_color(char *inbuf)
	register int j=0,p=0;
	int c,k,max;
	char out_buf[32768];

	if(inbuf[0] == '\0') return;

		if(  (inbuf[j]=='\\') && (inbuf[j+1]=='c')
			 && isnum(inbuf[j+2]) && isnum(inbuf[j+3]) )
	      		c=(inbuf[j+2]-'0')*10 + inbuf[j+3]-'0';
			if(c>MAX_COLORS) c = 0;
			 { out_buf[p] = COLORLIST[c][k]; p++; }		
		 else {out_buf[p] = inbuf[j]; j++;p++;}
	out_buf[p] = '\0';

	strcpy(inbuf, out_buf);

------ clip here ------

Of course, like any code, this can be improved.... but hey, it's FREE!

Use it as you will, crediting me is not necessary (but appreciated).

The other great thing about it is if you're playing around with ANSI 
codes a lot (like I do), you don't have to recompile a bunch of stuff 
after changing a header file (screen.h).  

Just make it again, which will only recompile color.c, yaay, lots of time 
saved for more important stuff!

(BTW: CNUL isn't even used in the function, but it's there if you need 

The other nice thing about this is that you don't have to change all your 
CC macro calls (CCRED(), CCBLU(), etc.), this integrates right in.  Saves 
you time adding more color later if you already have the CC's all over 
the place... ;)

Now it's possible that I missed something or screwed something up in my 
listing or my directions, let me know if you have any problems.

- three point ...

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