Re: Easy color for CircleMUD [HELP]

From: pi (
Date: 05/24/96

> To test the function I did the following in one of my Obj files 
> in the world directory.
> .
> .
> #50
> /c02a jewled jade anklet/c00~
> /c02A jewled jade anklet lies here./c00~
> ~
> 9 0 aq
> 5 100 0
> .
> .
> However when I run the mud the /c02 and /c00 bits are still there and the 
> lines havn't changed to green. :( Any ideas why not?

For the record, you need a backslash   \
Not a forward slash                    /

\c01  not /c01    ;)
> PS. With the current function what will happen if the users color level 
> is less than C_NRM? Will the color code bits still be in the text?

Oh, woops.  When I rewrote the function, I inadvertently changed it.  Will
send an update in a few. ;)

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