For those who requested ANSI codes, I had this laying around from previous postings. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 13:12:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Barid Bel Medar <> To: Cc: Subject: Re: ANSI (color)codes ... On Tue, 23 Apr 1996, Katzlberger Thomas wrote: > > Hi all ... > > I tried to connect to the ANSI www site and > forund out that they charge you MONEY for > getting out their codes this really SUCKS ! > > Anyone know more of them ? Yes. Lookie: Parameters used in ANSI escape sequences Pn Numeric parameter. Specifies a decimal number. Ps Selective parameter. Specifies a decimal number that you use to select a function. You can specify more than one function by separating the parameters with semicolons. PL Line parameter. Specifies a decimal number that represents one of the lines on your display or on another device. Pc Column parameter. Specifies a decimal number that represents one of the columns on your screen or on another device. ANSI escape sequences for cursor movement, graphics, and keyboard settings In the following list of ANSI escape sequences, the abbreviation ASC represents the ASCII escape character 27 (1Bh), which appears at the beginning of each escape sequence. ESC[PL;PcH Cursor Position Moves the cursor to the specified position (coordinates). If you do not specify a position, the cursor moves to the home position - the upper-left corner of the screen (line 0, column 0). This escape sequence works the same way as the following Cursor Position escape sequence. ESC[PL;Pcf Cursor Position Works the same way as the preceding Cursor Position escape sequence. ESC[PnA Cursor Up Moves the cursor up by the specified number of lines without changing columns. If the cursor is already on the top line, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence. ESC[PnB Cursor Down Moves the cursor down by the specified number of lines without changing columns. If the cursor is already on the bottom of the line, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence. ESC[PnC Cursor Forward Moves the cursor forward by the specified number of columns without changing lines. If the cursor is already in the rightmost column, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence. ESC[PnD Cursor Backward Moves the cursor back by the specified number of columns without changing lines. If the cursor is already in the leftmost column, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence. ESC[s Save Cursor Position Saves the current cursor position. You can move the cursor to the saved cursor position by using the Restore Cursor Position sequence. ESC[u Restore Cursor Position Returns the cursor to the position stored by the Save Cursor Position sequence. ESC[2J Erase Display Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the home position (line 0, column 0). ESC[K Erase Line Clears all characters from the cursor position to the end of the line (including the character at the cursor position). ESC[Ps;...;Psm Set Graphics Mode Calls the graphics functions specified by the following values. These specified functions remain active until the next occurrence of this escape sequence. Text attributes 0 All attributes off 1 Bold on 4 Underscore (on monochrome display adapter only) 5 Blink on 7 Reverse video on 8 Concealed on Foreground colors 30 Black 31 Red 32 Green 33 Yellow 34 Blue 35 Magenta 36 Cyan 37 White Background colors 40 Black 41 Red 42 Green 43 Yellow 44 Blue 45 Magenta 46 Cyan 47 White Parameters 30 through 47 meet the ISO 6429 standard. ESC[=Psh Set Mode Changes the screen width or type to the mode specified by one of the following values: 0 40x25 monochrome (text) 1 40x25 color (text) 2 80x25 monochrome (text) 3 80x25 color (text) 4 320x200 4-color (graphics) 5 320x200 monochrome (graphics) 6 640x200 monochrome (graphics) 7 Enables line wrapping 13 320x200 color (graphics) 14 640x200 color (16-color graphics) 15 640x350 monochrome (2-color graphics) 16 640x350 color (16-color graphics) 17 640x480 monochrome (2-color graphics) 18 640x480 color (16-color graphics) 19 320x200 color (256-color graphics) ESC[=Psl Reset Mode Resets the mode by using the same values that Set Mode uses, except for 7, which disables line wrapping. The last character in this escape sequence is a lowecase L. ESC[code;string;...p Set Keyboard String Redefines a keyboard key to a specified string. The parameters for this escape sequence are defined as follows: * Code is one or more of the values listed in the following table. (Not duplicated here.) These values represent keyboard keys and key combinations. When using these values in a command, you must type the semicolons shown in this table in addition to the semicolons required by the escape sequence. The codes in parentheses are not available on some keyboards. ANSI.SYS might not interpret some of the codes in parantheses unless you specify the /x switch in the device command for ANSI.SYS * String is either the ASCII code for a single character or a string contained in quotation marks. For example, both 65 and "A" can be used to represent an uppercase A. IMPORTANT Some of the values in the following table are not valid for all computers. Check your computer's documentation for values that are different. (From the IBM DOS User's Guide and Reference for DOS 5.00, pp. 635-639) > Do you have to reset the color before each change ? No. You can also omit the "text attributes" field from the string if it's the same. For example, from bright white to bright blue, it's safe to skip that. But from bright white to regular blue, you'd have to start with attribute zero. > My client doesn't care it sets absolute colors > depending on the code. As it should. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Barid Bel Medar Knights of the Cosmos Shayol Ghul Resort and Health Spa ------------------------------------------------------------------ "I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top." - English Professor, Ohio University ------------------------------------------------------------------
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