
From: The Gum Guy (jcourter@NMSU.Edu)
Date: 05/27/96

I am getting a parsing error in the class.c.  The line is as follows:

add_mana = number(GET_LEVEL(ch), (int) (1.5 * GET_LEVEL(ch));

I cannot seem to find the problem...  It is in the advance_level function
Hopefully someone else can help me.

Thanks in advance,

I am not a rat, and this is not a race!
    |  __                       \        /  /~~\                     __ 
    | /__\ |/\ |/~\ |/\/\ \  /   \  /\  /  |     /~~\ |   | |/\ -|- /__\ |/\
 \_/  \__/ |   |\_/ |    | \/     \/  \/    \__/ \__/  \_/| |    |  \__/ |

Jeramy W. Courter

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