Re: Too many open files

From: Jeremy Elson (
Date: 06/03/96

Have you added any new code to your MUD that opens a file?  If so, you
probably forgot to close it again.

> 	I'm running circle3.0 and seem to be getting errors like:
> SYSERR: READING OBJECT FILE plrobjs/A-E/alex.objs (5): Too many open files
> Accept: Invalid argument
> 	This problem only seems to occur after the mud has been running for
> a while (usually after 2-3 days uptime).  I get the feeling that this problem
> is occuring because too many sockets have been used since each socket is
> an open file.  How do I fix this problem?  Do I just recycle the socket numbe
> after a certain point or does the problem go deeper than this or is the
> problem something completely different?  Thanks in advance.
> -Kalak

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