I tried to install mobprog11.patch and got a lot of errors. I got rid of those errors. But I'm getting this at the end. Please let me know what this means. gcc -o ../bin/circle comm.o act.comm.o act.informative.o act.movement.o act.item.o act.offensive.o act.other.o act.social.o act.wizard.o ban.o boards.o castle.o class.o config.o constants.o db.o fight.o graph.o handler.o house.o interpreter.o limits.o magic.o mail.o mobact.o modify.o objsave.o olc.o shop.o spec_assign.o spec_procs.o spell_parser.o spells.o utils.o weather.o redit.o oedit.o zedit.o medit.o sedit.o -lcrypt -lmalloc comm.c:1748: Undefined symbol `_mprog_act_trigger' referenced from text segment act.comm.c:80: Undefined symbol `_mprog_speech_trigger' referenced from text segment act.comm.c:448: Undefined symbol `_mprog_speech_trigger' referenced from text segment fight.c:777: Undefined symbol `_mprog_hitprcnt_trigger' referenced from text segment fight.c:778: Undefined symbol `_mprog_fight_trigger' referenced from text segment fight.c:780: Undefined symbol `_mprog_hitprcnt_trigger' referenced from text segment fight.c:781: Undefined symbol `_mprog_fight_trigger' referenced from text segment fight.c:783: Undefined symbol `_mprog_hitprcnt_trigger' referenced from text segment fight.c:784: Undefined symbol `_mprog_fight_trigger' referenced from text segment *** Error code 1 Stop. *** Error code 1 Stop. bash$ Adam Adam Furman System Administrator of Sunfire.j51.com afurman@amf.net Irc Operator of irc.j51.com Mud Admin of sufire.j51.com:4000
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