From: Adam Furman <> I tried to install mobprog11.patch and got a lot of errors. I got rid of those errors. But I'm getting this at the end. Please let me know what this means. gcc -o ../bin/circle comm.o act.comm.o act.informative.o act.movement.o act.item.o act.offensive.o act.other.o act.wizard.o ban.o boards.o castle.o class.o config.o constants.o db.o fight.o graph.o handler.o house.o interpreter.o limits.o magic.o mail.o mobact.o modify.o objsave.o olc.o shop.o spec_assign.o spec_procs.o spell_parser.o spells.o utils.o weather.o redit.o oedit.o zedit.o medit.o sedit.o -lcrypt -lmalloc comm.c:1748: Undefined symbol `_mprog_act_trigger' referenced from text segment This one definitely belongs in the FAQ as the following: Q: While compiling the mud, I get errors like these: foo.c:1231: Undefined symbol '_whereamI' referenced from text segment A: You forgot to include a source file into the make. Go edit your Makefile and make sure all the necessary *.c files are in there. If in a BSD-style UNIX environment, type: ls *.c Now, specific to Adam's question: A: I think you forgot mobcmd.c and mobprog.c -- Billy H. Chan CogSci/CompSci ResumeInside
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