Re: Code question: new skill problem

From: Jeannette (
Date: 06/28/96

At 02:13 PM 6/28/96 -0500, Mud Admin wrote:
>>I am attempting to add a turn undead skill for my clerics and paladins in 
>>my MUD. I started writing the basic form of the skill, but now when I try 
>>to compile it...I get an odd error:
>>act.offensive.c:244: unterminated character constant

That error is normally missing a " in a statement.
     (Code deleted)

>>  sprintf(buf, "You scored %d percent, with a %d probibility.\r\n", 
>>percent, prob);
>>  sprintf(buf, "You turn at level %d a %d HD undead.\r\n, turn_level, 

You are missing a " at the end of \r\n of your sprintf in the above line.

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