Bill ============================================================================== Date: Tue, 2 Jul 96 21:15:00 MIME-version: 1.0 Importance: normal A1-type: DOCUMENT This is an attempt to write a decent FAQ for the online editor. Please send comments and suggestions to Object editor questions: 1. How do I edit an existing object? You have to know the number of the object you want to edit. Let's say you want to edit number 3021, a small sword. Type "oedit 3021". 2. How do I create a new object? Go to a room in the zone you wish to add an object to. For example, to make a new object numbered in the range 3000-3099 you would have to be in Midgaard, possibly in the temple or the reading room. Then type "oedit create". The editor will automagically pick a free number and create a new object with default values. 3. What does it mean when it says "No free object vnums in zone"? This means there are already 100 objects in the zone you are trying to add an object to. You'll need to make the new object in another zone. 4. What does it mean when it says "You don't have builder rights in zone x"? You'll get this message if you're trying to edit a zone that you don't have builder permission in. If you're in a zone that's supposed to be yours, ask an implementor to give you permission. 5. It says that the object is already being edited by someone else. What can I do? Ask them nicely if they're finished editing the object. If they are, they can type "oedit done" to free that object for further editing. 6. Ok I've started editing a new or used object. How do I change its attributes? Use the "oset" command. This one command edits all aspects of an object that can be edited offline. For a list of what you can do, type "oset" alone. Several suboptions have their own help. For example, type "oset flags" to see a list of flags you can set. 7. There seems to be a lot to type when editing objects. Are there any shortcuts? Yes. The oset command and all subcommands, flags, and other options can be abbreviated. For example, "os af st 2" is the same as typing "oset affect str 2". Also, you can put multiple flags and value settings on a single line. For example, you could type "oset weapon glow magic weight 5 v1 2 v2 5 level 5". The exception to this are the text settings name, short, long, action, and edesc. New in version .06 of the olc, you can now set default objects. If you set a default object, all newly created objects will have the same name and attributes as the default object. Also new in .06, you can use the copy command to copy an existing object over the object you are editing. For example, if you are editing object 6666 and type "copy obj 3009", object 6666 will be identical to a waybread (after you osave). If you decide you really didn't want to change that object, just type "oedit done" before you osave it. 8. I typed "oset name a short sword", but it changed the alias list instead of the name. What gives? This is due to an inconsistency between the building documentaion and the object stat command. The "name" subcommand of the object editor sets the alias list of the object, meaning the list of words you can call the object when picking it up, wielding it, etc. Use the "short" subcommand to set the object's name when picked up, wielded, etc. 9. What's the difference between short description and long description, and what should they look like? Short description is what you seen when you interact with the object. For example, an object with the short description "a short sword" will give you the message "You get a short sword." When you pick it up. The long description is what you see when the object is lying on the ground in a room. It should be capitalized and punctuated. An example long description would be "A short sword is lying on the ground here." 10. Ok I've edited the object to my liking and am ready to save it. How do I do that? Type "osave" and the object will be written to memory (so all copies of that object carried by mortals will change) and also to the disk file so that the object is changed permanently. You'll probably also want to type "oedit done" to free up some memory. Room editor questions: 11. How do I start? You have to have a zone to start with. If you don't already have your own zone, you need a friendly implementor to create a new one for you. If you have a zone of your own, go to any room in the zone and type 'redit'. 12. What if it says "The room editor is currently disabled"? The room editor can be disabled by an implementor. Read the imotd and/or the immortal boards for possible explanations for this. 13. What about "You don't have builder rights in zone x"? See #4. 14. It says somebody's already editing this zone. Can't we both work on it? No, only one person can be editing the rooms in a zone at a time. If someone is editing the rooms in a zone someone else can be editing the zone's objects, another can be editing mobs (future), and yet another can be editing shops (future). If they're not really editing the zone, you can ask them to type "redit done" to free the zone. 15. How do I create a new room? You add a new room by making an exit from an existing room. If you want to add a room north of the room you are currently in, type "rset exit north connect 2" to create the new room and make a two way connection to it. 16. What's the difference between a oneway and a twoway connection? A oneway connection connects the room you are in to the new room or room you specify, but you won't be able to reverse direction to get back. A twoway connection allows you to go to the connected room and return. 17. How do I connect to a room that already exists? You need to know the number of the room you want to connect to. Let's say you want to connect to room 3009 (midgaard bakery). Type "rset exit north connect 1 3009". Now if you walk north you will be in the bakery. Also note that since we specified "1" for a oneway connection so you can't go south to return. 18. How do I delete a room? You can't. You can disconnect it from other rooms and connect to it somewhere else later. 20. Then what is the "delete" option? The delete option deletes all exit info in a given direction, including any connection (although the other side of a twoway connection is not changed. Use "disconnect" to remove both connections), the door type, etc. 19. How do I disconnect a room from an exit? Say with the "disconnect" option. Type "rset exit north disconnect 1" to delete the the connection to the room to the north. If that room had a south exit to the room you're editing, that connection is still there. Use "rset exit north disconnect 2" to disconnect both exits. 20. What does "Second room is not in this zone" or "Can't disconnect outside zone" mean? This means you are trying to eaither connect or disconnect a twoway connection across a zone boundary. For example, you're editing room 6666 and type "rset exit north connect 2 3001". These two rooms are not in the same zone so you can't make a twoway connection. If you have builder permission in both zones, you can make a oneway connection in both rooms. 21. How do I make a door? You have to do two things to make any door. The first step is to make the exit a door. A simple way to do this is to type "rset exit north normal" to make it a normal door (you can also make it pickproof and/or secret). The second step is to set the keyword for the door. In most cases the keyword will be "door", but you may want to call it "gate" or "stone", etc. Type "rset exit north keyword door". If you forget to give the door a keyword, you won't be able to open or close it. 22. How do I set a key for a lockable door? First you should have a key object made or at least planned. If the key is object number 6666, type "rset exit north key 6666". The key object should be of the type "key" and holdable. 23. There seems to be a lot to type when editing rooms. Are there any shortcuts? Yes. The rset command and all subcommands, flags, and other options can be abbreviated. For example, "rs ex n con 2" is the same as typing "rset exit north sconnect 2". Also, you can put multiple room flags on a single line. For example, you could type "rset nomob nomagic indoors city". New in version .06 of the olc, you can now set default rooms. If you set a default room, all newly created rooms will have the same name, description, sector type, and flags as the default room. Also new in .06, you can use the copy command to copy an existing room over the room you're in. For example, if you are standing in room 6666 and type "copy room 3009", room 6666 will be identical to the bakery. Be careful when using the copy command, because there is no way to undo a copy, except to reboot the mud without saving the zone. 24. How come the doors don't stay in the position I left them in? Doors are set by the zone editor (zedit). See the documentaion for zedit (zbuild.doc) for more info.
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