Well, I have recently switched over to using MS-Visual C++ and I'm quite happy with the results. It is not as quick as my FreeBSD system, but now I don't have to have the extra partition and I don't have to continually switch OS's for everything I do. Anyways, my coders and I have been using a patching system that has seemed to work quite well. Everyone has a master_src and a src directory. They make their changes to src and produce a diff file from the master_src. They then send that to me. From everyone's patches I make a master patch that gets sent to everyone to apply to their master_src directories and then copy over to src. This makes it so we don't have to continually be sending the whole source trees to my coders and we don't have to code on the system that the mud is running on. As you can see, we use diff, and patch quite a bit. I downloaded the win-32 gnu files for these but they are terrible. I could not get them to work for the full directories, just specific files. If anyone has any suggestions on how we can continue to use this sytem and produce good unified diff files (not all my coders are using MSVC++), I would really appreciate it. Also, if you know of any good tar and gzip/gunzip utils that will work with 32 long filenames I would appreciate that too. Thanks, Jeff Endrea@zombie.iglou.com 2150
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