I've noticed this too, took me an hour just to get Build 11 (Not including d/l time with my wonderfully fast modem (Yah, Right..)). What's Up? Chris Grantham, Coder, DagobahMUD At 12:41 AM 7/17/96 -0500, you wrote: > > >If this has been said more than 10 times, feel free to flame me, but the >silly ftp sites aren't working which also makes the web pages useless for >CircleMUD. I remember someone saying that ftp2 isn't working, but >ftp.circlemud.org needs to be checked itself, cause either CircleMUD is >suddenly the most popular thing to download, or it's messed up. For the >last two days, I've been trying to get on and trying rather frequently, >and even late at night (3am) it's full (=. Anyways, just thought someone >might wanna look into this. > > >Chris >(awake@dcci.com) > >
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