This is v.9 of the Assassin Code. If you use it please put a reference to Ryan Biggs and Chris Grantham in your credits file. *NOTE*: This code is not perfect! There will probably be more releases, but don't blame us if it's buggy! This is a code for an assassin that players can hire to kill people. It is based on the Pet shop code. To use it, drop it in the spec_procs.c, and put in a spec_assign.c as well. Put all the mobs you want to be assassins in the room you define and go. Please, if it works, or if any extra coding is needed, PLEASE tell me (Ryan Briggs []). Please give me feedback (either positive or negative, I want to know everything) #define ASSASSIN_LOCATION *VNUM LOCATION OF ASSASSINS HERE* #define ASSASSIN_PRICE(assassin) (GET_LEVEL(assassin) * 100000) SPECIAL(assassin) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], assassin_name[256]; int assassin_room; struct char_data *assassin, *vict; assassin_room = ch->in_room + 1; if (CMD_IS("list")) { send_to_char("Available assassins are:\r\n", ch); for (assassin = world[asassin_room].people; assassin;assassin = assassin->next_in_room) { sprintf(buf, "%8d - %s\r\n", ASSASSIN_PRICE(assassin), GET_NAME(assassin)); send_to_char(buf, ch); } return (TRUE); } else if (CMD_IS("hire")) { argument = one_argument(argument, buf); argument = one_argument(argument, victim_name); if (!(assassin = get_char_room(buf, assassin_room))) { send_to_char("There is nobody called that!\r\n", ch); return (TRUE); } if (GET_GOLD(ch) < ASSASSIN_PRICE(assassin)) { send_to_char("You don't have enough gold!\r\n", ch); return (TRUE); } if (*victim_name) { send_to_char("You need to specify a target!\r\n", ch); return 0; } if ((vict = get_player_vis(assassin, victim_name, 0))) { GET_GOLD(ch) -= ASSASSIN_PRICE(assassin); assassin = read_mobile(GET_MOB_RNUM(assassin), REAL); char_to_room(assassin, ch->in_room); SET_BIT(MOB_FLAGS(assassin), MOB_MEMORY); SET_BIT(MOB_FLAGS(assassin), MOB_ASSASSIN); remember(assassin, vict); HUNTING(assassin) = vict; send_to_char("You will be contacted if it succeeds or not.\r\n", ch); act("$n hires $N for a job.", FALSE, ch, 0, assassin, TO_ROOM); return 1; } else { send_to_char("The assassin can't find the victim!\r\n", ch); return 0; } } return 0; } add this to damage() before the die(victim) call if ((MOB_FLAGGED(ch, MOB_ASSASSIN)) && (HUNTING(ch) == victim)) { send_to_char("The assassin has succeeded.\r\n", HIRED_BY(ch)); extract_char(ch); } if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim, MOB_ASSASSIN)) send_to_char("The assassin has failed.\r\n", HIRED_BY(ch)); in structs.h in char_special_data, after *hunting add struct char_data *hired_by; in utils.h add in #define HIRED_BY(ch) ((ch)->char_specials.hired_by) in interperter.c add in { "hire" , POS_STANDING, do_not_here , 1, 0 }, And, if you want to have several assassin places, with different assassins at each place, just ask us...that's the way we are using it in ours (you can put better assassins in harder to get to places). Ryan Biggs and Chris Grantham
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