I have a problem with an animate dead spell im trying to imp on my mud. Ill paste it here, pardon me if there is some line wraps: ASPELL(spell_animate_dead) { struct affected_type af; struct obj_data *corpse, *next_corpse, *object, *next_object; struct char_data *skeleton, *skeleton_proto; int any_to_animate = FALSE, roll = 0, lvl_variable = 0; if (ch == NULL) return; for (object = world[ch->in_room].contents; object; object = next_object) { next_object = object->next_content; if ((GET_OBJ_TYPE(object) == ITEM_CONTAINER) && GET_OBJ_VAL(object, 3)) { any_to_animate = TRUE; break; } else continue; } if (any_to_animate == FALSE) { send_to_char("There are no corpses in the room to animate!\r\n", ch); return; } skeleton_proto = read_mobile(SKELETON, VIRTUAL); for (corpse = world[ch->in_room].contents; corpse; corpse = next_corpse) { next_corpse = corpse->next; if (corpse == NULL) break; if ((GET_OBJ_TYPE(corpse) == ITEM_CONTAINER) && GET_OBJ_VAL(corpse, 3)) { extract_obj(corpse); char_to_room(skeleton_proto, ch->in_room); skeleton = skeleton_proto; lvl_variable = dice(level, 2) + 10; skeleton->points.max_hit = lvl_variable; skeleton->points.hit = lvl_variable; lvl_variable = level / 10; skeleton->points.armor = 6 - lvl_variable; skeleton->player.level = lvl_variable; af.type = SPELL_CHARM; af.duration = GET_WIS(ch) * 3; af.modifier = 0; af.location = 0; af.bitvector = AFF_CHARM; affect_to_char(skeleton, &af); REMOVE_BIT(MOB_FLAGS(skeleton), MOB_AGGRESSIVE); if (skeleton->master) stop_follower(skeleton); add_follower(skeleton, ch); skeleton->master = ch; } else continue; } send_to_char("You animate the corpses in the room!\r\n", ch); act("$n animates the bodies in the room!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); return; } Ok, now before you jump on me for "well, it would depend on a lot of stuff", it does work when animating just one corpse. However, when it falls into the for loop for more than one corpse, it will hang. I believe it is the loop conditions itself that is causing it to crash, but give me some input back on what you see. Franco
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