Okay here is the do_who code I am using. I have also tried the code without my Mortlevels string array addition. I have also added the patch straight into a cherry copy of bl11 and it did the same thing. It is adding a space after the second character, then two spaces after the third, and then four, and I tried up to 8 chars and it was dding an extra space each time. Also, please don't rag me for the way i imped the Mortlevels array, it is temp only, just wanted to see how it would look. act.information.c CODE: /********************************************************************* * New 'do_who' by Daniel Koepke [aka., "Argyle Macleod"] of The Keep * ******************************************************************* */ char *WHO_USAGE = "Usage: who [minlev[-maxlev]] [-n name] [-c classes] [-rzqimo]\r\n" "\r\n" "Classes: (M)age, (C)leric, (T)hief, (W)arrior\r\n" "\r\n" " Switches: \r\n" "_.,-'~'-,._\r\n" "\r\n" " -r = who is in the current room\r\n" " -z = who is in the current zone\r\n" "\r\n" " -q = only show questers\r\n" " -i = only show immortals\r\n" " -m = only show mortals\r\n" " -o = only show outlaws\r\n" "\r\n"; ACMD(do_who) { struct descriptor_data *d; struct char_data *wch; char Imm_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char Mort_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char name_search[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char mode; int low = 0, high = LVL_IMPL, showclass = 0; bool who_room = FALSE, who_zone = FALSE, who_quest = 0; bool outlaws = FALSE, noimm = FALSE, nomort = FALSE; int Wizards = 0, Mortals = 0; size_t i; const char *WizLevels[LVL_IMPL - (LVL_IMMORT-1)] = { " Immortal ", " Lesser God ", " Greater God ", "*REALM MASTER*" }; /* THIS IS TEMP, I KNOW THEIR IS AN EASIER WAY */ /* NOT THE PORBLEM HOWEVER */ const char *Mortlevels[LVL_IMPL - 4] = { " Newcomer ", " Newcomer ", " Newcomer ", " Newcomer ", " Newcomer ", " Trainee ", " Trainee ", " Trainee ", " Trainee ", " Trainee ", " Initiate ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c06Initiate\\c00 ", " \\c02Traveller\\c00 ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " \\c03Journeymen\\c00 ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " \\c04Adventurer\\c00 ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " \\c05Greater Lord\\c00 ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " \\c01Leader\\c00 ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " \\c11Instructor\\c00 ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", "\\c11**\\c14Lore Master\\c11**\\c00", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", "\\c08**\\c10 DragonLord\\c08 **\\c00", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a ", " a " }; /* This part is from the stock CircleMUD 'do_who'; No reason to rewrite it. Don't want to take credit for something I didn't write... */ skip_spaces(&argument); strcpy(buf, argument); name_search[0] = '\0'; while (*buf) { half_chop(buf, arg, buf1); if (isdigit(*arg)) { sscanf(arg, "%d-%d", &low, &high); strcpy(buf, buf1); } else if (*arg == '-') { mode = *(arg + 1); /* just in case; we destroy arg in the switch */ switch (mode) { case 'o': outlaws = TRUE; strcpy(buf, buf1); break; case 'z': who_zone = TRUE; strcpy(buf, buf1); break; case 'q': who_quest = TRUE; strcpy(buf, buf1); break; case 'l': half_chop(buf1, arg, buf); sscanf(arg, "%d-%d", &low, &high); break; case 'n': half_chop(buf1, name_search, buf); break; case 'r': who_room = TRUE; strcpy(buf, buf1); break; case 'c': half_chop(buf1, arg, buf); for (i = 0; i < strlen(arg); i++) showclass |= find_class_bitvector(arg[i]); break; default: send_to_char(WHO_USAGE, ch); return; break; } /* end of switch */ } else { /* endif */ send_to_char(WHO_USAGE, ch); return; } } /* end while (parser) */ strcpy(Imm_buf, "\\c06+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\r\n \\c00Immortals of Hidden Daze\r\n\\c06+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\\c00\r\n"); strcpy(Mort_buf,"\\c06+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\r\n \\c00Mortals of Hidden Daze\\c06\r\n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\\c00\r\n"); for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) { if (d->connected) continue; if (d->original) wch = d->original; else if (!(wch = d->character)) continue; if (!CAN_SEE(ch, wch)) continue; if (GET_LEVEL(wch) < low || GET_LEVEL(wch) > high) continue; if ((noimm && GET_LEVEL(wch) >= LVL_IMMORT) || (nomort && GET_LEVEL(wch) < LVL_IMMORT)) continue; if (*name_search && str_cmp(GET_NAME(wch), name_search) && !strstr(GET_TITLE(wch), name_search)) continue; if (outlaws && !PLR_FLAGGED(wch, PLR_KILLER) && !PLR_FLAGGED(wch, PLR_THIEF)) continue; if (who_quest && !PRF_FLAGGED(wch, PRF_QUEST)) continue; if (who_zone && world[ch->in_room].zone != world[wch->in_room].zone) continue; if (who_room && (wch->in_room != ch->in_room)) continue; if (showclass && !(showclass & (1 << GET_CLASS(wch)))) continue; if (GET_LEVEL(wch) >= LVL_IMMORT) { sprintf(Imm_buf, "%s%s[%s] %s %s", Imm_buf, CCYEL(ch, C_SPR), WizLevels[GET_LEVEL(wch)-LVL_IMMORT], GET_NAME(wch), GET_TITLE(wch)); Wizards++; } else { sprintf(Mort_buf, "%s[%16s %s] %s %s", Mort_buf, Mortlevels[GET_LEVEL(wch) - 0], CLASS_ABBR(wch), GET_NAME(wch), GET_TITLE(wch)); Mortals++; } if (GET_INVIS_LEV(wch)) sprintf(buf, "%s (i%d)", buf, GET_INVIS_LEV(wch)); else if (IS_AFFECTED(wch, AFF_INVISIBLE)) strcat(buf, " (Invis)"); if (IS_AFFECTED(wch, AFF_SHADOW_FORM)) strcat(buf, " (ShadowForm)"); if (PLR_FLAGGED(wch, PLR_MAILING)) strcat(buf, " (Mailing)"); else if (PLR_FLAGGED(wch, PLR_WRITING)) strcat(buf, " (Writing)"); if (PRF_FLAGGED(wch, PRF_DEAF)) strcat(buf, " (Deaf)"); if (PRF_FLAGGED(wch, PRF_NOTELL)) strcat(buf, " (NoTell)"); if (PRF_FLAGGED(wch, PRF_QUEST)) strcat(buf, " (Quest)"); if (PLR_FLAGGED(wch, PLR_THIEF)) strcat(buf, " (* THIEF *)"); if (PLR_FLAGGED(wch, PLR_KILLER)) strcat(buf, " (* KILLER *)"); if (GET_LEVEL(wch) >= LVL_IMMORT) strcat(buf, CCNRM(ch, C_SPR)); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); if (GET_LEVEL(wch) >= LVL_IMMORT) strcat(Imm_buf, buf); else strcat(Mort_buf, buf); send_to_char(buf, ch); } /* end of for */ if (Wizards) { page_string(ch->desc, Imm_buf, 0); send_to_char("\r\n", ch); } if (Mortals) { page_string(ch->desc, Mort_buf, 0); send_to_char("\r\n", ch); } if ((Wizards + Mortals) == 0) strcpy(buf, "No wizards or mortals are currently visible to you.\r\n"); if (Wizards) sprintf(buf, "There %s %d visible immortal%s%s", (Wizards == 1 ? "is" : "are"), Wizards, (Wizards == 1 ? "" : "s"), (Mortals ? " and there " : ".")); if (Mortals) sprintf(buf, "%s%s %d visible mortal%s.", (Wizards ? buf : "There"), (Mortals == 1 ? "is" : "are"), Mortals, (Mortals == 1 ? "" : "s")); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); if ((Wizards + Mortals) > boot_high) boot_high = Wizards+Mortals; sprintf(buf, "%sThere is a boot time high of %d player%s.\r\n", buf, boot_high, (boot_high == 1 ? "" : "s")); send_to_char(buf, ch); } ******************************************************* I am having a major breakdown over this problem. Here is a brief exmaple of what the who output looks like: +-+-+-+-+- blah blah [ Leader Wiz ] Tray [ Initiate War ] Bagget [ Adventurer Pal ] Drace [ Adventurer Asn ] Shade and so on, one extra space after each new entry Can anyone track this bug???? Thanks, Chuck
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