Re: [Circle] Is there a problem?

From: Brian Pape (
Date: 07/31/96

> I have tried act statements and sprintf statements. Should these
> work or am I formatting them inncorectly or something?
> I think this is how I had it:
> sprintf(buf, "%sThe Moonshadow quietly pulls into the dock.\r\n", buf);

That's just like doing this:
char buf[100];
strcpy(buf,"Blah blah blah");

now how is that going to do anything useful?

> and have also tried,
> act("The Moonshadow quietly pulls into the dock.\r\n", FALSE, 0, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

You're sending it to a room, but WHAT room?  You have all of the target
char pointers NULL...  So it obviously doesn't do anything because it
doesn't know where to send the message.

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