[Circle] PLayers

From: M.A.Clubine (maclubin@adala.smith.cis.syr.edu)
Date: 08/05/96

Well after working through alot of problems with Justin, this is the code 
he came up with, and it works just fine.  The problem was that we 
couldn't get the command to update the buffer, it was only displaying the 
last name instead of all of them.  Good job and thanx Justin.

  int i, count = 0;

  *buf = '\0';
  send_to_char("\r\n", ch);

  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_p_table; i++) {
    sprintf(buf, "%s  %-20.20s", buf, (player_table + i)->name);
    if (count == 3) {
      count = 0;
      sprintf(buf, "%s\r\n", buf);
  page_string(ch->desc, buf, 1);


   _`\<,_                   Michael Andrew Clubine
  (*)/ (*)               http://web.syr.edu/~maclubin             __o
`'`'``'``'`'~\_                maclubin@syr.edu                 _`\<,_
               \                                               (*)/ (*)
                \           o__            o~_             ___/~`'`'`'`
                 \         _,>/`_         _,>/`_         _/
                  \_      (*) \(*)       (*) \(*)       /

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