Re: [Circle] compiling

From: Ian Stephenson (
Date: 08/12/96

In message <>, writes
>When I compile the mud, everything works fine.  But, I notice that 
>when finished compiling, the circle.exe says its already up to date.  
>Now, I edited the .c files and remaked the .o files.  
>What am I missing that causes the .exe file to not up-date itself?
>| Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: |
>|   |
It says "Circle.exe is up to date" which means it's NOW up to date with
the latest code.  Check the filespecs on Circle.exe, and you'll find it
has just been created.

However, if no .c, .h or other relevant files have changed, circle.exe
won't be changed.  It will still report as being "up to date" however.

Ian Stephenson
| Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: |
|   |

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