Re: [CODE] Rent & Quit help needed

From: Christopher M. Ryan (
Date: 10/30/96

> To see if they rented in a room, check their load room when they come
into the game
> (in interpreter.c nanny() CON_MENU case 1:) and see if it matches any in
a list of
> all the inn rooms(which you'll have to hardcode to make this easiest..
although i
> guess you could make it dynamic by checking if the load_room has a mob
with a special
> function, and if it does, is the special a receptionist.).

	You can also add a new bitvector to the rooms that describes the INN as
being such. This could also leaad to being able to other things with inns
if you had other ideas too :)

> cost of renting is set in objsave.c crash_load();
> 'heal' code is in store_to_char() in db.c.. where it checks for if
!POISONed just add
> the same check_if_in_inn function you wrote for above.

Christopher M. Ryan (the wannabe creator)

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