I'm trying to put in the objsave save patch by Hess, from the ftp site. It compiles just fine but I get a segmentation fault when I log on. Anyone familiar with this patch? I am using patch 11 circle it may be that the patch was written for an earlier version. Here is a gdb backtrace. gdb trace: #0 0x30818 in perform_put (ch=0x2f8c10, obj=0x2fbca8, cont=0x0) at act.item.c:34 #1 0x7ca94 in read_obj_pos (ch=0x2f8c10) at objsave.c:928 #2 0x70084 in nanny (d=0x2f7f40, arg=0xeffff750 "1") at interpreter.c:1573 #3 0x19d9c in game_loop (mother_desc=3) at comm.c:595 #4 0x18f60 in init_game (port=6666) at comm.c:242 #5 0x18eac in main (argc=3, argv=0xeffffdec) at comm.c:212 The error occurs when the function perform_put is called from read_obj_pos (a new function for the patch now in objsave.c). CRASH LOCATION IS AT ARROW void perform_put(struct char_data * ch, struct obj_data * obj, struct obj_data * cont) { extern int read_obj; if (GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(cont) + GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj) > GET_OBJ_VAL(cont, 0)) <- act("$p won't fit in $P.", FALSE, ch, obj, cont, TO_CHAR); else { obj_from_char(obj); Here is the code that called the above function: PERFORM_PUT CALLED AT ARROW void read_obj_pos(struct char_data *ch) { char fn[40]; FILE *obj_file; struct objpos_data op; struct obj_data *obj,*obj2,*obj3; int container,found; int perform_wear(struct char_data *ch,struct obj_data *obj, int where); void perform_put(struct char_data *ch,struct obj_data *obj, struct obj_data *cont); read_obj = TRUE; if(!get_filename(GET_NAME(ch), fn, OBJPOS_FILE)){ sprintf(buf2, "Cannot get file for PLAYER %s in read_obj_pos()", GET_NAME(ch)); log(buf2); send_to_char("There is a problem loading your ITEMS IN PLACE.\r\n" "Please contact a god and report this.\r\n", ch); read_obj = FALSE; return; } if(!(obj_file = fopen(fn, "rb"))){ read_obj = FALSE; return; } fread((char *)&op, 1, sizeof(struct objpos_data), obj_file); obj = ch->carrying; /* Handle Equipment */ while((!(feof(obj_file)) && (op.position > INVENTORY)) && (!op.in_object)){ perform_wear( ch, obj, op.position ); obj = obj->next; fread((char *)&op, 1, sizeof(struct objpos_data), obj_file); while(!(feof(obj_file))){ if( op.in_object) { if( op.position > INVENTORY ) ---> perform_put( ch, obj, ch->equipment[op.position]); <-- here else{ container = 0; found = FALSE; for( obj2 = ch->carrying; obj2 && !found; obj2 = obj2->next_content) if( GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj2) == ITEM_CONTAINER ){ container++; if(container == op.container) found = TRUE; obj3 = obj2; } perform_put( ch, obj, obj3); } while(!(feof(obj_file))){ if( op.in_object) { if( op.position > INVENTORY ) perform_put( ch, obj, ch->equipment[op.position]); <--line 928 +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://cspo.queensu.ca/~fletcher/Circle/list_faq.html | +-----------------------------------------------------------+
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